Many women in this country constantly argue that the government has no place in the affairs of women's bodies, reproductive organs, and right to choose. Okay, but you also have the right to be informed. Before you choose to have an abortion, you should have adequate information to make such a decision. All other medical procedures receive informed consent. Ergo, abortion patients should as well. Here are a few things you may not have known about this procedure, and why you should definitely be told before you go ahead with an abortion.
Your brain produces dopamine-producing cells that control muscle movement. When this communication goes haywire, you may have a neurodegenerative disorder that neurologists call Parkinson's disease. This disease is named for an apothecarist (similar to a pharmacist) in Britain, James Parkinson, who authored a paper in 18717 entitled "shaking Palsy." In the 200 years since this paper was published, much has been learned about this disease, although a cure has not yet been found.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a very useful diagnostic tool in the medical industry. Strong magnetic fields and radio waves are used to view the body's internal organs. Here is what you need to know about this beneficial technology.
What Is An MRI?
An MRI is a huge machine that looks like it has a tunnel with a pull-out bed in the middle. It is made up of a device that produces radio waves, a large magnet, and a computer.
Rashes in childhood aren't uncommon, and they don't usually last long or cause any lasting damage. However, if they are accompanied by a fever, respiratory difficulties, or other signs of illness, be sure to consult your child's pediatrician. Here is a look at three common childhood skin issues.
Prickly Heat
Also called heat rash, or by its medical name, miliaria, prickly heat is common in infants and young children whose endocrine system is still working out its kinks.
In 2017, both the American Academy of Cardiology and American Heart Association (AHA) updated existing guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. If you previously had slightly elevated blood pressure or were already diagnosed with hypertension, it may be time to talk with your doctor about ways to address your changing diagnosis.
Determine What Will Change
Since the threshold for diagnosing hypertension, which was previously 140/90, was lowered to 130/80, this may mean you may need to begin taking medication.